FIP World Congress of Pharmacy 2025
September '25 - Copenhagen (Denmark)
Congress Theme: Pharmacy forward: Performance, Collaboration, and Health Transformation.
FIP world congress 2025, themed “Pharmacy Forward: Performance, Collaboration, and Health Transformation,” aims to explore the evolving role of the pharmacy profession in the context of modern healthcare challenges. The congress will explore how pharmacists can drive forward the performance of healthcare systems, foster meaningful collaboration across sectors, and catalyse transformative changes in health outcomes globally. The congress is structured around three subthemes, each addressing key facets of this overarching theme.
ESMO Congress of Oncology
October '25 - Berlin (Germany)
ESMO 2025 will be a place where groundbreaking discoveries, cutting-edge treatments and a collaborative approach converge to shape the future of cancer care.
You will be able to learn from internationally renowned experts, engage in thought-provoking discussions and connect with fellow oncology professionals that are driving advancements in diagnosis, treatment and survivorship.
ESC Congress of Cardiology
August '25 - Madrid (Spain)
As we explore 'Cardiology Beyond Borders', our spotlight theme is ‘Global Health,’ emphasising the evolving role of cardiovascular disease within the broader global health landscape.
Immerse yourself in an exceptional Scientific Programme that offers a global perspective — both geographically and across the full spectrum of cardiology.
Step into a world where barriers disappear. Engage with practice-changing science, cutting-edge technology, and innovations that will energise and inspire you, directly impacting your practice with take-home knowledge.
Connect with experts, exchange insights, and collaborate across geographical, cultural, and specialty boundaries.
World Gynecology Congress
August '25 - Paris (France)
The congress brings together academic and industry-based researchers from various career stages and from diverse geographical regions, in the field of gynecology, obstetrics and infertility. The meeting provides a unique opportunity to share the latest scientific discoveries in the field through renowned keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations and workshops. It is also a wonderful opportunity to create new connections and collaborations through networking and social events.
The scientific committee of world gynecology congress 2025 will chart out and provide enlightening scientific program with enough opportunities for interactive discussions.
The scientific committee hopes to make the congress a memorable event for all to cherish.
19th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology
March '25 - Prague (Czech Republic)
CONy is a unique congress, which combines debates on central contested topics in neurology, delivering world class insights to the most controversial issues, faced by clinicians, helping them to understand the discrepancies between opposing points of view.
Our faculty includes Key Opinion Leaders ( KOLs) from leading medical centers worldwide. Our collaborations with the industry allows us to pursue and develop understanding, enabling health care professionals to stay abreast of key advances and diverse opinions. The format of our meeting encourages discussion among speakers and attendees.